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Supported Employment/Job Coach

Employment In The Community

The Arc of Haywood County Supported Employment/Job Coach program works with individuals to find employment in the community.  The job coach works one on one with the individual to explore the type of jobs the individual feels they are interested in and possible businesses that may be a good fit.  He then helps the individual to prepare a resume and fill out applications.  Once these are done, they have practice interviews to help the individual become comfortable answering the type of questions they might be asked in an interview. 


Supporting Both Employee & Employer

The employment services offered through The Arc of Haywood are available to support both the employee and the employer. We want the employment relationship to provide success and satisfaction for everyone involved.

Our Job Coaches are available on site to provide all of the supports the employee needs to make them a valuable addition to your staff.

  • On the job training
  • One-on-one support on the job
  • Coordination  with other supports to maintain employment